On Friday the 7th of April at 6pm, The Greek-Melkite Parish of Saint John Chrysostom gathered for Holy Friday, known to be a part of the Paschal Triduum during Holy Week. The Ceremony of the Burial of Christ was done to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary, whereby everybody brought flowers to church with them, and candles were handed out to the congregation.
Our mass started off with Archimandrite (Abouna) Shafiq, and a deacon going into the main body of the church, making one reverence towards the east before the holy doors, then entering the holy temple to make three reverences before the holy table and kiss the holy table. The mass consisted of The Order of Matins (Psalm 22), followed by The Great Litany of Peace (Psalm 41, The Hymns (Troparia), The Small Litany, The First Reading From the Gospel, Praises, The Small Litany, A Second Reading From the Gospel, Praises, The Small Litany, A Third Reading From the Gospel, Praises, The Small Litany, Eulogitaria, The Small Litany, A Fifth Reading From the Gospel, Exapostilarion, Psalms of Lauds, The Procession of Epitaphion, The Great Doxology, Troparion, A Sixth Reading From the Gospel, and finally The End of the Order of Matins (Ekteny & Eitesis)).
Each one of the clergy bowed three times in front of the Epitaphion, and kissed the Gospel and the crucifix, which lie on the Epitaphion. After that, the Epitaphion-bearers went to the main entrance of the church for the final episode of the ceremony. The congregation came to take a flower and then kiss the crucifix which was in the hand of Archimandrute (Abouna) Shafiq, and the choir continued to sing the hymns of holy and Great Saturday.