On Sunday the 9th of April at noon, The Greek-Melkite Parish of Saint John Chrysostom gathered to celebrate The Glorious and Holy Sunday of Pascha (Easter), The Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
To celebrate the Divine Liturgy, the mass started with Archimandrite (Abouna) Shafiq and the Deacon bowing to the Hierarch. Then, they proceeded in Andiron, Exorason and Kalymavkion to the closed Holy Door (Royal Door). The Deacon stood to the right of Abouna, and they made three metanies saying in a low voice the “Prayers before the Holy Door”. They entered the Holy Place, Abouna from the North Door and the Deacon from the South Door, saying: “I shall enter into Your dwelling place; before Your holy temple I will bow in fear of You.” Then, they made three metanies before the Holy Table. Abouna kissed the Holy Gospel and the Holy Table, and the Deacon he Table only. They went to the Sacristy to vest and then concluded with the “Offering Prayer”, and moved to the Prothesis. Abouna stood before the Prothesis, and the Deacon stood to his right. They bowed three times, and they started the “Preparation of the holy Gifts”.
The mass started with The Pontifical Liturgy with the Patriarch or the Bishop, followed by The Opening, The Litany of Peace, Antiphon Prayer (Antiphon Hymn Psalm 66:1-3), The Little Entrance (Hymn of the Incarnate Word and Entrance Prayer). Then, The Ceremony of the Antiphons and the Little Entrance, The Entrance Hymn, Troparion and Kontakion (Pascha Troparion, Hypacoi, Kontakio of the Patron Saint of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, Final Kontakion, The Trisagion Prayer of St. John Chrysostom, The Trisagion Prayer of St. Basil the Great). Following this, was The Blessing with the Dikiri and Trikiri, Instead of the Trisagion Hymn, The Epistle, Prokimenon (Psalm 118: 24 & 1), then The Holy Gospel (Psalms 102: 13 & 33: 13), and Ektene (Ecumenic Petitions) – Prayer of Ektene, First Prayer if the Faithful, Second Prayer of the Faithful.
Furthermore, The Great Entrance started with The Cherubic Hymn, followed by the Litany of the Gifts, the Prayer of Offering, The Kiss of Peace and Reconciliation, The Creed, The Anaphora (Canon), The Institution of Eucharist, Remembrance (Anammesis), The invocation of the Holy Spirit (Epiclesis), Commemorations, Hymn to the Theotokos (Hirmos), Prayer for the Pope and the Patriarch, Antidoron, Preparation for Holy Communion, The Aitesis, New Prayers, The Lord’s Prayer, Prayer of Inclination, The Prayer of Holy Communion, Elevation, Breaking of the Lamb, and Communion, Communion Hymn, Holy Communion, Prayers of Thanksgiving, Prayer Behind the Ambon, Blessings of Eggs, and finally the Dismissal (Apolysis) before the Distribution of Easter Eggs and Paschal Homily of Saint John Chrysostom.
To end the Holy Week, a Pascha (Easter) Lunch for the community was organized by the parish, lead by Mrs. Rania Choueiry and her Family which took place in Maroush Restaurant at 2pm, where 250 people continued to celebrate over a Lebanese lunch with live Arabic music with Maestro Pierre Khawam and his Oriental Orchestra.
Christ is risen!
He is truly risen!